Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tech Twister!

It has given me a headache this last week. Trying to understand what age we are in. On one hand, we have a new pope. Communicated to us by the oldest form of communication known to man. No not the Maine Pyar Kiya version of pigeons delivering love letters to Salman Khan. Try further back. Smoke signals. Can you believe that? There is hope that the new pope will be more progressive in matters of women ordainment, contraception and gay marriage. Yes. Remind me how they informed us of his election in the first place. Yes. Smoke signals. In this world of constant 24 hour breaking updates from people who inform us ‘What a beautiful day! Good Morning friends!’ (5 people like this), we had to rely on smoke signals. And we are thinking of progressiveness. I will give the Pope some credit though. After ages and ages of people choosing the same names over and over again, to the extent that the last one had to be XVI, there is a ring of originality to Francis I. A step in the right direction then. Now to wait another 2000 years for Snoop Dogg I.

A couple of days after our history lesson in communications, came the Koreans. Nope, not the bloody thirsty horde led by His Supreme Fatness from the north. This was Samsung threatening to devour Apple right down to the core and spit it out with disdain. Developing a phone which senses when you are looking at it, we apparently don’t even have to touch the phone to scroll through items. In the mornings it even sprouts arms to pick us up from the bed and dump us into the shower. All the while uploading a ‘What a beautiful day! Good Morning friends!’ status to Facebook. Now that, is communication!

Speaking of Facebook, they are apparently are looking to copy Twitter and bringing hash tagging to Facebook. A little too late aren’t we, Mr. Zuckerberg? Haven’t you noticed the growing number of people determined to annoy the rest of the world by hash tagging their posts? Dumbing it down for the rest of us common folk so that we understand the context of their smart joke or the origin of their exotic food. Just a couple of annoying examples which have presented themselves (#smh)

1. What a ball Ravindra Jadeja! #Respect
2. Ah! Delicious Maitales Alfajores! #LatinAmericanFood
3. Japan is unbelievable! #Believe (This is an actual one)

So there you have it Facebook. The twitter gravy train has long hit you and run you over, spilling gravy all over the spotless blue and white logo of yours. You have long missed the bus. Good luck coming up with something more innovative! Like a new app to block Criminal Investigation or something. That would definitely have a market.

So then. Have a wonderful evening. Happy weekend friends! (0 likes) #Logging off

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